Cementing its position as a global leader in quality and innovative healthcare, Hemas Hospitals announced the launch of a proprietary Infectious Patient Transportation Chamber (IPTC); a sealed, easily maneuverable cubicle with wheels to transport suspected or positive COVID-19 patients.
Ideated and built by Senior Manager – Operations, Hemas Hospitals Wattala Chaaminda Kodikara, the chamber was designed with the primary objective of warranting the safety of hospital employees and patients. The novel device is currently in the process of being patented.
The IPTC will be a critical tool in preventing the mass contamination of hospitals treating suspicious or COVID-19 positive patients as well as other highly contagious diseases. The five-foot transparent chamber was designed with the secondary objective of reducing the extraordinary amount of time and human resources it takes to disinfect and clean equipment and space utilized in the transportation of such patients through the hospital premises.
Spacious, safe and comfortable, the IPTC is ventilated in such a way that it filters air to protect persons inside and outside from virus or bacteria in the air that leaves the patient – eliminating risk of cross-contamination. It is also structured in a way that allows for future motorization of the unit. The novel invention better protects healthcare staff involved in managing infectious patients as well – enabling them to provide a quality, efficient service without the fear of infection.
“In the case of a COVID-19 suspect or positive patient, clinical teams are required to take extreme protectionary measures in transporting the patient and action a stringent process of disinfecting the patient’s room along with the corridors and lifts the patient was transported through. This exhaustive process is a costly, time-consuming affair that requires the utmost attention. Negligence at any point may lead to contamination and a lockdown of that area. The Infectious Patient Transportation Chamber was designed explicitly to address this growing, unmet need,” stated Hemas Hospitals Wattala, Senior Manager – Operations, Chaaminda Kodikara.
Kodikara continued to remark that with the coming monsoon season, healthcare providers were expecting a rise of other diseases such as Dengue – whose primary symptoms include fever much like COVID-19. In preparation for the increase in admissions of these patients, special treatment areas had to be created within the hospital until they can be cleared of having been infected with COVID-19. The IPTC will be a critical tool in this regard.
He also went on to state that this innovation would not have been possible if it weren’t for the immense support of Hemas Hospitals Wattala, Director General Manager – Dr. Lasantha Karunasekera who continuously motivates and encourages staff to ideate game-changing processes and solutions for the benefit of all patients and the hospital at large; which was a key factor in finishing the chamber amidst the country-wide curfew. This is in addition to the invaluable support and encouragement given by Hemas Hospitals Wattala, Manager – Medical Services – Dr. Sanjaya Ratnayake.
Commenting on their proprietary innovation, Hemas Hospitals and Laboratories Managing Director and President, Association of Private Hospitals and Nursing Homes Dr. Lakith Peiris said, “The progress of humanity is incomplete without innovation and now, in the midst of an unprecedented global crisis, the immediate need for disruptive innovation in healthcare has never been more present. At Hemas Hospitals, we are constantly looking to fulfill critical, unmet healthcare needs in promising ways.
Right now, it is our mission to protect the community and country by doing our part in curbing the spread of COVID-19. Our team of deeply committed employees have been working tirelessly, pooling all available resources, to ensure that our premises is fully-geared to defeat this pandemic. The novel Infectious Patient Transportation Chamber is a powerful example of our team’s effort and mindset in action.”
In a concerted attempt to safeguard the health of both its patients and staff members, Hemas Hospitals was pro-active in implementing a COVID-19’ protocol based exclusively on the rigorous guidelines set forth by the epidemiology unit of the Ministry of Health (MOH) as well as the World Health Organisation (WHO). Patient triaging areas with temperature and health checks were quickly implemented, along with multiple hand washing stations and ample access to liquid sanitiser for disinfection, while mandatory regulations for face-masks were enforced. Special seating areas too were set aside for the loved ones of patients to avoid over-crowding of the premises. All hospital staff were thoroughly educated on the pandemic, and regular disinfection of the hospital environment was kicked into high gear. All staff that come into direct contact with patients were trained on the process of wearing and disposing Personal Protection Equipment to avoid contamination and infection. As such, Hemas Hospitals remains continuously vigilant and deeply committed to support the country during this time.
Photo Caption – A patient being transported in the novel Infectious Patient Transportation Chamber (IPTC)